Last update: 06/03/2020
Private Equity Capital Funding
Financing for an SME may take place through acquiring a share in a company’s equity or convertible bonds or even with syndicated loans.
Active Venture Capital Funds
Holding Capital Fund of Funds – EquiFund
EquiFund’ is co-financed by national, European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) / European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Investment Fund offering private equity capital financing. The initial capital of “Equifund” is EUR 260 million. Financing is provided through intermediary Venture Funds, which have been selected through a competitive process of assessment.
“EquiFund’ invests in the following three basic fields:
- research and innovation (technology transfer – innovation window),
- entrepreneurship in general for start-ups (early stage),
- entrepreneurship in general for businesses at their development stage (growth).
Other Private Venture Capital Funds
Private investment funds that have signed agreements with national or/and European public institutions through open calls for interest in order to co-finance SMEs’ investment plans.
Co-financed by the EIF through the COSME Equity Facility for Growth – EFG
Co-financed by the EIF through the cooperation of the European Investment Bank (EIB Risk Capital Resources – RCR)