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Enhance the Competitiveness and Sustainability of European SMEs through succession procedures and models


Background and Project Description

Statistics reveal that succession of business ownership between generations can be a life-or-death situation for many companies in Europe: only 30% of family-owned businesses survive the transition to a second generation while only 10% of them can overcome the transition to a third generation.
Success Road will address this challenge by helping manufacturing companies of the textile, clothing and footwear sectors prepare and manage their succession, both in the context of family successions and when selling to third parties.
The project overall objective is to help project national and regional authorities implement policies and new succession measures in their operational programmes so that SMEs can better face the succession phase and secure their future after a change of ownership. Working to strenghen the overall sustainability and long-term viability of Euro-pean SMEs will further contribute to the growth of the economy by preserving jobs and boosting economic growth.



  • To analyse the gaps between the current and the desired state of successions and transfers of companies and examine the parameters and obstacles at play.
  • To sensitise regional and local policymakers and civil servants about the problems and risks of the succession process in order to foster the creation of tools to help bu-siness owners withstand the succession process.
  • To shape a business-friendly legal and institutional ecosystem by creating incentives and removing barriers to entrepreuneurship.


Expected Outcomes

  • Capacity building of partners' key staff, stakeholders and policy makers through Inter-regional Workshops, Local Stakeholder Groups meetings and Staff Exchanges which will enhance their ability to identify and meet policy instrument improvement challenges.
  • Development of 4 integrated regional Action Plans with the support of stakeholders and in collaboration with regional authorities in order to propose changes and measures for a smooth transfer and succession process.
  • 4 Policy Learning Guidelines on identified priority themes in order to improve policy instruments, ensure a sustainable regional development and influence policymakers in other regions.
  • Improvement of 4 Policy Instruments in Greece, Lithuania, Poland and Spain.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects only the views of its authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Duration: Aug. 2019 - July 2022
Budget: € 859.840 (80% EU financed)


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