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The General Secretariat of Industry is responsible for:

a) The increase in investment and employment.
b) The support and encouragement of entrepreneurship.
c) The promotion of business partnerships.
d) The integration of new technologies into the production process and provision of services.
e) The technological modernization of manufacturing, industry and businesses in general and the promotion of the optimal available techniques and methods of goods production and provision of services.
f) Contributing to the development of knowledge-based economy, including
technology transfer and the integration of technological and non-technological (business or organizational) innovation in the production process.
g) The institutional support of small and medium enterprises.
h) The upgrading of businesses’ human resources.
i) Contributing to the improvement of business environment, simplification of legislative framework and red tape reduction.
j) The operation of manufacturing companies in terms of ensuring the safety and health of workers and neighbors and helping reducing the impact of their operation on the environment.
k) The planned and rational use of land for development purposes.
l) The supervision of market functioning market in matters related to the competencies of the General Secretariat for Industry.

Please open the Organizational Chart in pdf in order to see the structure of the General Secretariat for Industry.